Be Your Best Self
Do any of the following apply to you?
- Your life looks good on paper, but you feel sad and unfulfilled.
- You know you need to make a change but you feel helpless to do it and overwhelmed at where to begin.
- You are surrounded by people you once felt connected to, but now find yourself feeling isolated and lonely because the common beliefs that bound you together no longer resonate with you.
- You’re living a life you think you "should" live, rather than the life you WANT to live.
- You are overburdened by other people’s needs and feel your needs go unmet or unnoticed.
- You are working in a job or staying in a relationship that is unfulfilling, but you fear making a change because it’s outside your comfort zone.
- You are grieving a loss and wondering when it will get easier.
- You experience frequent anxiety because you feel inadequate and believe you’re never “good enough.”
If any of these statements resonate with you, I’m glad you’ve found me.
We all struggle, and most of us are facing some very real challenges. The culture we live in supports your happiness and success, but doesn’t give space for your grief, loss of identity, broken heart and unfulfilled expectations. Perhaps it’s an overall sense that you lack meaning and purpose in your life. You’ve found yourself overburdened by the needs of others, and living a life that feels as if it was chosen for you, rather than a life you chose. You just know you’re struggling and something needs to change. Most struggles involve change, and change is hard. Maybe it’s a change in jobs, a difficult family member, the end of a relationship, the loss of a loved one, feeling stuck in life, or a faith crisis/transition. How you navigate change is vital for your mental well-being.
I can guide you through your painful and personal experience by helping you discover the answers I know you have within yourself. Together, we can help you see yourself with more clarity, so you can make better decisions and choices that empower you in your life.
Therapy is an opportunity for you to hear yourself think, allow yourself to feel, and get an objective perspective on whatever it is you’re struggling with. To begin, I’ll typically meet with you weekly for 60 minute sessions to discuss your situation and gain some momentum, and then decrease as you make progress. The frequency of sessions can be adjusted to meet your needs. Call me today to learn more.
Are You Struggling? I Can Help.

Overcoming Anxiety & Depression
Overcoming Anxiety & Depression

Faith Crisis & Transitioning
Faith Crisis & Transitioning

Grief & Loss
Grief & Loss

Improve Relationships
Improve Relationships

Work or Personal Crisis
Work or Personal Crisis

Stress Reduction
Stress Reduction
Are you ready to take the next step?
Schedule your free 15-minute consultation